Campout on the Colorado

  • Sunday: 10 am depart Rancho del Rio for Red and White. Finish in Vail.
  • Eagle County 4×4 is hosting a group camping weekend at Rancho del Rio for the nights of July 14 & 15, 2023. Plan on arriving Friday afternoon or evening. We’ve reserved the large group campsite right along the river including the covered picnic area. Campfires will be allowed, subject to local fire restrictions at the time. The registration fee (per person) includes riverfront camping (tent, RTT, or truck-bed camper), usage of the resort facilities (boat launch, picnic pavilion, etc), and a Saturday night cookout. You’ll need to book your own site if you are bringing an RV or tow-behind camper. Please plan out your fuel and supply needs. Northern Eagle County is a remote area. The nearest gas stations and grocery stores are in Kremmling, Eagle, and Edwards (all about 35 minutes drive). Rancho del Rio offers a small convenience store and limited gasoline. Expect isolated resort selection and prices. If your daily travels take you near town, it’s worth the detour. A club membership (associate or voting) will be required by the time of the event. What to bring:

    • camping gear
    • personal food & drink. Dinner on Saturday night will be provided.
    • GMRS radio for group communication
    • any recreation equipment (fishing, rafting, kayaking, etc)
    • extra fuel if you’re wheeling and not planning to visit town!

    Optional activities:

    • Trail runs:
      • Friday: McAlister Gulch, Sheephorn Sunset drive
      • Saturday: Crescent and Mackinaw Lakes, Big McClosky and Gypsum Hills
      • Sunday: Red and White
    • We’ll self-organize trail runs in the area for Saturday and Sunday once we see who is attending.
    • Use of the resort property, including the boat ramp, is included.
    • The resort rents rafts, kayaks, etc.
    • River shuttles and guided river trips are available.

    Registration for this event requires a current club membership. For details on the property, contact Rancho del Rio directly. For club questions, contact Location: Rancho Del Rio, 4199 Trough Road, Bond, CO 80423 Tentative Agenda:

    • Friday: 1pm depart Minturn Shell (401 Main St, Minturn) for McAlister Gulch 6pm depart Rancho del Rio for Sheephorn Sunset drive
    • Saturday: 10am depart Ranch del Rio for Crescent and Mackinaw Lakes (difficult), or Big McClosky and Gypsum Hills (stock-friendly). Pick your trail run. 6pm dinner at Rancho del Rio
    • Sunday: 10 am depart Rancho del Rio for Red and White. Finish in Vail.

    Spring Cleanup

    April 15, 2023 9am-3pm

    High Country 4 Wheelers and Eagle County 4×4 OHV groups are sponsoring a cleanup event on BLM land North of Gypsum. Specifically Trail Gulch and Dotsero Crater area.

    Volunteers will meet at the Dotsero truck parking lot just north of the Dotsero exit. We will have an opening safety speech with dispersal to heavily trashed areas as needed. Please wear appropriate shoes, long pants, and gloves.
    Bring shovels, rakes, and buckets. Trash bags will be provided. You can bring a sack lunch and plenty of water if you plan to attend all day.
    We will plan a short Trail Run after out Clean Up activity is finished, so it should be fun! Hope you all can attend!

    April 2023 meeting recap

    The club met April 12, 2023 at the Avon Library. Here’s a recap…
    Our spring cleanup event will be Saturday, April 15, 9am – 3pm. Meet at the Dotsero truck parking area. We’ll have an opening safety briefing and disperse from there. Please bring a sack lunch, water, shovel, rakes, buckets, appropriate shoes, long pants, and gloves. This event is cosponsored with Hi County 4 Wheelers from Glenwood and the BLM Colorado River Valley Field Office in Silt.

    We’ve scheduled a two-day intro recovery training from Bill Burke for May 6-7 in Grand Junction. The fee will be $325 for the vehicle and driver, and $125 per additional passenger. Preference for registration was given to those in attendance at the meeting. The remaining 2 vehicle spots will be first-come, first-served on the website. Registration will open later today and will be posted on the Facebook page. Membership is required to participate.

    We’ve reserved the group camping pavilion at Rancho del Rio for the nights of July 14 & 15. Registration will be posted soon. The fee will be $85 for the weekend which includes camping (tent, RTT, or truck-bed camper), usage of the resort facilities (boat launch, picnic pavilion, etc), and a Saturday night cookout. You’ll need to book your own site if you are bringing an RV or tow-behind camper. During the day the group will self-organize for trail runs. More details to follow.

    The club approved the purchase of D&O insurance based on the provided quote once the funds are verified to be available.

    A follow-up chat thread will be created to refine our waiver ASAP.

    A members-only Facebook group has been created for internal club discussions. Please contact a board member if you are not added and have a current membership.

    Going forward club meetings will be the 3rd Thursday of the month, with the goal of alternating between the Eagle and Avon libraries. Once we have reserved the room, the USFS Holy Cross office will be invited to the next meeting.

    Current Events

    Club Meeting

    As a thank you to those who have made the drive to Eagle, our next meeting is scheduled at the Avon Library.

    Trail Gulch Cleanup

    We’ll be cohosting a trail cleanup in the Gypsum Hills BLM area with High Country 4 Wheelers out of Glenwood. The BLM office in Silt is planning to attend. More details to come.

    Recovery & Driving Skills Training

    Save the date: We’ll be hosting a recovery and driving skills training weekend in Grand Junction. The training will be provided by Bill Burke ( More details and registration to come.