Eagle County 4×4 was created as a Facebook group in August 2012. Over several years it grew to 900+ members. In September 2022, the group held a membership meeting to approve a constitution, formally incorporating it as a non-profit member organization. We organize events across Eagle County, CO, and nearby regions including Summit, Routt, Lake, Garfield, Pitkin, and Grand Counties.
Eagle County is home to the oldest Jeep trails in the world. Camp Hale was the historical training center for the 10th Mountain Division during World War 2. It was here in Eagle County that the U.S. Army trained with the original Willys in preparation for the invasion of Europe.
Please check out our Facebook page for up-to-date details and most activity. Our News and Events page will likely lag that information available on the Facebook group. For informational inquiries, contact info@eaglecounty4x4.org.
For a list of trails in the area, see our Trails page.
If you’re looking to purchase a membership or sign up for events, please note that this website is not exactly mobile friendly for purchases. Please log in from a desktop browser. If you’re a WordPress guru and would like to help with that, please let us know!